Thursday, December 25, 2008

Measuring Quality of Life(QOL)

In life we make several decisions based on our certain assumptions and most of the decisions are aimed at improving the Quality of Life. But we tend to forget the analysis of different parameters that actually decides the QOL. For example if we decide for our career then we think in a single dimension about the money or pleasure. There could be other parameters in addition to the aforesaid like long term satisfaction, retirement option, flexibility in the work, leisure time, people interaction, individual role model, compromises in the life style(Like food habit and likings, travel habit and likings) etc.

The best way to evaluate this is to write positive and negative traits of different options in full and then compare on preferred list of parameters. This could be very easy exercise if we have separate list of each options and we should keep on modifying the positive and negative options for a couple of weeks, months or years depending upon the available time and severity.
This can help us in isolating certain important traits and ultimately comparing different options.
Suppose you are undergoing a job change. Then you should evaluate the prospective job traits and current job options as a different list and then you should evaluate the traits for a couple of weeks you will be able to better evaluate the right job for you. Additionally it is essential to keep separate list of individual list of liking and disliking. Most importantly these lists should be checked and modified separately so that memory of one list should not overlap the other much. For example if at 8AM I am modifying personal list and then till the afternoon I should not touch the First Job list or Second Job List. But at the evaluation day which can happen at very less frequency like once or twice when we compare all the lists it is perfectly fine to compare the different lists.
Let us take an example for this to elaborate. This example does not define the actual traits that can be widely different in different job domain and environment. The traits are generally meant to serve an example case and nothing more. Any positive or negative traits choice is dependant on the individual choice. For example a project manager can be positive trait as a long term goal to somebody who would like to grow vertically in a company while a technical development role will fit into long term to somebody who would like to start small start-up and contribute to coding and design of project for significant duration. Ideally the choices should be sorted based on the priority. The list can be modified multiple list to get a much better and long term choice.
Job 1 (technical development)
Positive traits:
1. Love to analyze the issue
2. Love to write the code
3. On site advantage
4. Feel satisfied after designing and coding
5. Less tension as responsible for own work
6. Fit into long term goal
Negative Traits:
1. Have to spend time in the office. So less leisure time.
2. multi-tasking
3. Less salary
4. Less growth
5. Less visibility and less power
6. Getting bored

Job2 (project Management):
Positive traits:
1. Love to understand the overall stuff then the one part of the stuff.
2. Love to interact with the people
3. More money
4. Love to consolidate the stuff (Excel sheet or word)
5. Find appropriate challenge in the leading different type of people.
6. compassionate to people
7. have to spend less time in office
8. More growth and more power
9. Feeling fresh about it

Negative Traits:
1. More tension as to think and has to responsible for other’s work.
2. Has to involve directly in company politics.
3. Miss the coding and design
4. Does not fit into the long term goal

Then there could be a different list of personal likings. All permutation will have different meaning in terms of choices as the choices are sorted based on priority.
Positive traits:
1. Money, Work satisfaction, interaction with people
2. Leisure time, Long term goal, overall understanding
3. On site to foreign countries
Negative Traits:
1. Hate multi-tasking.

After doing this exercise for sufficient time these choices can be evaluated based on the above parameters.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

India Participation in Beijing olympic and what next

Beijing Olympic seems to be gratifying for India after winning 3 Olympic medals.It is the time of celebration for every Indian. The news channels and newspaper have become too optimistic with their slogans and musings.

But we always seem to forget the lesson and tend to overlook the analysis of the result. The only Gold medal was won by Bindra who could afford the training for the same.
Now winners are awarded by the different states but nobody is bothered to start some training institute for sports. The role of media remains the same.They want to get the marketing value of the recent success.
Millions have been spent on awards but grass root level issues are still unresolved. Lot of schools do not have a sports teacher. Many schools are struggling to get their own sports ground. Villagers are not aware about the importance of the sports.
The responsibility of media lies in presenting the fact about the government initiatives or rather paucity of it so that next Olympic we will celebrate the medals count in double digits. If government and media keep on celebrating these small unpredictable success then medals will be subject to availability of affording individual enthusiast.