Sunday, August 24, 2008

India Participation in Beijing olympic and what next

Beijing Olympic seems to be gratifying for India after winning 3 Olympic medals.It is the time of celebration for every Indian. The news channels and newspaper have become too optimistic with their slogans and musings.

But we always seem to forget the lesson and tend to overlook the analysis of the result. The only Gold medal was won by Bindra who could afford the training for the same.
Now winners are awarded by the different states but nobody is bothered to start some training institute for sports. The role of media remains the same.They want to get the marketing value of the recent success.
Millions have been spent on awards but grass root level issues are still unresolved. Lot of schools do not have a sports teacher. Many schools are struggling to get their own sports ground. Villagers are not aware about the importance of the sports.
The responsibility of media lies in presenting the fact about the government initiatives or rather paucity of it so that next Olympic we will celebrate the medals count in double digits. If government and media keep on celebrating these small unpredictable success then medals will be subject to availability of affording individual enthusiast.

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